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Table 3 Summary of studies published on rotational mechanical dilator sheaths for lead extraction

From: Rotational mechanical dilator sheaths for effective transvenous lead extraction

Author, reference

Extraction tools


Lead age, patient age

Indications for TLE (n*)

Success rates



Hussein (2010) [9]


41 leads in 29 patients

111 ± 100 months, 64 ± 19 years

Infection (20), non-infection (9)

86% (33 leads in 25 patients)

No major complication

Snare for 2 patients, laser for 2 patients

Oto (2011) [14]


41 leads in 23 patients

74 (25–180) months, 59 ± 14 years

Infection (7), non-infection (16)

82% (35 leads in 19 patients)

No major complication

Snare required for 6 leads

Witte (2017) [12]

Evolution RL versus Evolution

149 leads in 103 patients

6.8 versus 9.1 years, 65 versus 68 years

Infection (55), non-infection (48)

98 versus 80%

No major complication

Bidirectional Evolution superior to unidirectional device

Sharma (2018) [13]

Evolution RL, Evolution

683 leads in 400 patients

6.8 ± 4.4 year, 71 ± 13 years

Infection (29), non-infection (71)



Comparable performance of old and new Evolution

Mazzone, (2018) [17]

Evolution RL

238 leads in 124 patients

92 ± 53 months, 65 ± 14 years

Infection (63), non-infection (61)

98.7% (235 leads)

No major complication

Prospective Italian Registry, No lead wrapping

Aytemir (2016) [11]


42 leads in 23 patients

72 (18–216) months, 59 ± 14 years

Infection (12), non-infection (11)

95.7% (TightRail alone)

No major complication

Femoral snare for one patient

Diaz (2019) [18]

TightRail, Evolution (RL), Laser

50,545 extractions

Not reported

Not reported

13 deaths in RMD sheaths versus 167 deaths with laser sheaths

7.2 times higher risk of mortality in laser than rotating sheaths


Bahadır (2021) [16]

TightRail versus Evolution (RL)

556 leads in 302 patients

5.0 (0.6–33) years, 60 (18–90) years

Infection (130), non-infection (172)

94 versus 94%

1.2 versus 3.8%

Similar efficacy and safety in both tools

Choi (2022) [19]


131 leads in 86 patients

11.7 ± 7.3 years, 66.3 ± 14.1 years

Infection (15), non-infection (71)



Lead age > 10 years was associated with major complication

  1. n*, number of patients